Computer Forensics Tools -Part IV
Some More FREE CF Tools:
- DFF (Digital Forensics Framework) – an open source platform applicable for data retrieval and analysis.
- PowerForensics is a PowerShell based utility intended for live disk forensic analysis
Real-Time Utilities
- Grr (GRR Rapid Response) is a remote live forensics tool for incident response.
- Mig (Mozilla Investigator) – a distributed real-time platform for investigating incidents on remote endpoints.
Imaging Tools (Data Acquisition and Cloning)
- Dc3dd – an enhanced edition of the GNU dd utility featuring on-the-fly hashing, pattern writing, file verification, and other functions for digital evidence acquisition.
- Dcfldd is yet another improved version of the dd program.
- Guymager is an imaging tool running under Linux that allows viewing and cloning data media.
Data Extraction
- Bstrings is an improved version of the popular strings utility.
- bulk_extractor enables you to extract email addresses, IP addresses and phone numbers from files.
- Flare-floss is a utility using static analysis techniques to automatically extract obfuscated strings from malware binaries.
- Photorec is a recovery tool that extracts deleted files, including documents, archives, photos, and videos from hard drives and CDs.
RAM Memory Forensics
- – this tool’s distinguishing hallmark is the high speed of extracting data directly from memory.
- KeeFarse extracts KeePass passwords from memory.
- Rekall is a Python-based tool for analyzing RAM memory dumps.
- Volatility framework is a collection of utilities for extracting digital artifacts from RAM memory samples.
- VolUtility provides a web interface for the Volatility Framework mentioned above.
Network Analysis
- SiLK Tools is a traffic analysis toolkit that facilitates security analysis for large networks.
- Wireshark is one of the world’s most popular network sniffers.
Windows Artefacts (Extracting Files, Downloads History, USB memory stick data, etc.)
- FastIR Collector is an all-in-one tool for harvesting Windows information (registry, file system, services, startup programs, etc.).
- FRED is a cross-platform Windows registry analysis utility.
- MFT Parsers is a tool facilitating comparative analysis of Master File Table information.
- MFTExtractor – another handy parser of Master File Table.
- RecuperaBit reconstructs NTFS file system.
- python-ntfs is a Python library for NTFS analysis.
OS X Analysis
- OS X Auditor is a popular free forensics tool supporting Mac OS X that parses and hashes various system artefacts.
Internet Artefacts
- chrome-url-dumper is intended for extracting different types of web surfing information from Google Chrome.
- Hindsight analyzes Google Chrome/Chromium history.
Timeline Analysis
- plaso is a tool that extracts and aggregates timestamps.
- Timesketch facilitates collaborative timeline analysis.
Hex Editors
- 0xED is a hex editor for Mac OS X.
- Synalyze It! is a popular hex editor for Mac OS X featuring an intuitive interface and extensible controls.
- Hexinator is a Windows/Linux version of Synalyze It!.
- HxD – a lightweight and fast hex editor.
- iBored is a cross-platform hex editor supporting Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
- wxHexEditor is another free cross-platform hex editor delivering extensive features for file comparison.
Data Converters
- CyberChef is a universal tool for encryption, decoding, compression, and data analysis.
- DateDecode is applicable for decoding random unintelligible date strings provided in 13 different formats.
File Analysis
- 010 Editor Templates is a collection of binary templates for the 010 Editor tool.
- HFSPlus Grammars is a collection of HFS+ components for Synalyze It!.
- Synalyze It! Grammar is a resource encompassing grammar files for the Synalyze It! hex editor.
- WinHex Templates – file components for the WinHex and X-Ways Forensics utilities.
Disk Image Processing
- imagemounter is a command line tool that helps mount/unmount disk images.
- libewf is a library and toolkit to access and work with EWF (Expert Witness Compression Format) and E01 format files.
- xmount is a utility that converts between different disk image types.
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